History of ICNDT

History of ICNDT

The ICNDT has a long history. It was established in 1960. At the 2nd International Conference on Non-Destructive Testing (now WCNDT) held in Chicago, USA in 1957, it was decided to set up a committee (ICNDT) which was selected by one representative from each of the countries involved. During the conference, Mr. Hiroshi Kihara of Japan, was appointed to the first Chairman of ICNDT as the representative of the 3rd WCNDT host country. In 1973, Mr. Hiroshi Kihara and Mr. Tenney became the first honorary members of ICNDT.

The first ICNDT meeting was held in 1960 at the 3rd International Conference on Non-Destructive Testing.

  • The first ICNDT meeting

    The first ICNDT meeting

  • Entertainment at the reception

    Entertainment at the reception

History of WCNDT

The name World Conference on Non-Destructive Testing (WCNDT) has been used since the 8th WCNDT in Cannes, France. It was previously called the International Conference on Non-Destructive Testing. The first WCNDT was held in Brussels, Belgium, 23-28 May 1955. Since then, the WCNDT has been held approximately every three years until 1992, and every four years since 1992 (the 20th WCNDT was scheduled to be held in 2020, but due to COVID-19 it was held in 2024).

  • The first International Conference on Non-Destructive Testing (WCNDT)
  • The first International Conference on Non-Destructive Testing (WCNDT)
The first International Conference on Non-Destructive Testing (WCNDT)
in Brussels, Belgium, 23-28 May 1955

The history of the WCNDT is available at the following URL.


History of the ICNDT President and Chair

The ICNDT Presidents and Chairs are listed as follows.

History of the ICNDT Chair (from the ICNDT Journal)
Year Name Country
2016~ Dr. Sajeesh K Babu ⁽¹⁾⁽²⁾ Singapore
2008~2016 Dr. Mike Farley⁽³⁾⁽⁴⁾ United Kingdom
2004~2008 Mr. Douglas Marshall⁽⁵⁾˜⁽¹⁵⁾ Canada
1996~2004 Dr. Guiseppe Nardoni⁽¹⁶⁾˜⁽²⁵⁾ Italy
1992~1996 Dr. Baldev Raj⁽²⁹⁾˜⁽³¹⁾ India
1973~1992 Prof. Zdzislaw Pawlowski⁽²⁶⁾˜⁽²⁸⁾ Poland
History of ICNDT President (from the ICNDT Meetings and General Assemblies)
Year Name Country
1992~ Dr. Baldev Raj⁽²⁹⁾˜⁽³¹⁾ India
1989~ Mr. Gerard Van Dijk⁽³²⁾⁽³³⁾ The Netherlands
1985~ Mr. W.E. Widner⁽³⁴⁾⁽³⁵⁾ USA
1982~ Prof. M Mikheev⁽³⁶⁾⁽³⁷⁾ Russia
1979~ Mr. Lyall S. Heard⁽³⁸⁾⁽³⁹⁾ Australia
1976~ Prof. P. Bastien⁽⁴⁰⁾ France
1973~ Prof. Zdzislaw Pawlowski⁽⁴¹⁾⁽⁴²⁾ Poland
1970~ Prof. V. Hauk⁽⁴³⁾⁽⁴⁴⁾ Germany
1967~ Mr. W.E. Havercroft⁽⁴⁵⁾⁽⁴⁶⁾ Canada
1963~ M.H.N. Pemberton⁽⁴⁷⁾⁽⁴⁸⁾ Great Britain
1960~ Prof. Hiroshi Kihara⁽⁴⁹⁾⁽⁵⁰⁾ Japan
  • ⁽¹⁾ICNDT Meetings and General Assemblies “ICNDT 39th Meeting and General Assembly Minutes Germany 2016”. 2016-6-16. The International Committee for Non-Destructive Testing. https://www.icndt.org/Minutes%20of%2039th%20Meeting%20-%20Munich%202016.pdf, pp.1-7, p.3 (accessed 2024-8-16)
  • ⁽²⁾ICNDT Meetings and General Assemblies “ICNDT Annual Meeting Minutes 2023.03.01”. 2023-3-1. The International Committee for Non-Destructive Testing. https://www.icndt.org/ICNDT_Annual_Meeting_2023_03_01_Unconfirmed.pdf, pp.1-9, p.2 (accessed 2024-8-16)
  • ⁽³⁾ICNDT Journals “The ICNDT Journal - Volume 8 Issue No. 1”. 2009 March. The International Committee for Non-Destructive Testing. https://www.icndt.org/ICNDT8.1.pdf, pp.1-27, p.1 (accessed 2024-8-16)
  • ⁽⁴⁾ICNDT Meetings and General Assemblies “ICNDT 36th Meeting and General Assembly Minutes Durban 2012”. 2012-4-19. The International Committee for Non-Destructive Testing. https://www.icndt.org/ICNDT_GA-36_2012-04-19.pdf, pp.1-7, p.4 (accessed 2024-8-16)
  • ⁽⁵⁾ICNDT Journals “The ICNDT Journal - Volume 7 Issue No. 1”. 2005 March. The International Committee for Non-Destructive Testing. https://www.icndt.org/ICNDT-99-Issue-1.pdf, pp.1-27, p.1 (accessed 2024-8-16)
  • ⁽⁶⁾ICNDT Journals “The ICNDT Journal - Volume 7 Issue No. 2”. 2005 September. The International Committee for Non-Destructive Testing. https://www.icndt.org/ICNDT-v7-Issue2.pdf, pp.1-12, p.1 (accessed 2024-8-16)
  • ⁽⁷⁾ICNDT Journals “The ICNDT Journal - Volume 7 Issue No. 3”. 2006 March. The International Committee for Non-Destructive Testing. https://www.icndt.org/ICNDT-99-Issue-3.pdf, pp.1-12, p.1 (accessed 2024-8-16)
  • ⁽⁸⁾ICNDT Journals “The ICNDT Journal - Volume 7 Issue No. 4”. 2006 June. The International Committee for Non-Destructive Testing. https://www.icndt.org/ICNDT-newsletter-issue-2-2006.p.pdf, pp.1-12, p.1 (accessed 2024-8-16)
  • ⁽⁹⁾ICNDT Journals “The ICNDT Journal - Volume 7 Issue No. 5”. 2006 September. The International Committee for Non-Destructive Testing. https://www.icndt.org/CurrentJournal.pdf, pp.1-12, p.1 (accessed 2024-8-16)
  • ⁽¹⁰⁾ICNDT Journals “The ICNDT Journal - Volume 7 Issue No. 6”. 2007 March. The International Committee for Non-Destructive Testing. https://www.icndt.org/ICNDT6.pdf, pp.1-12, p.1 (accessed 2024-8-16)
  • ⁽¹¹⁾ICNDT Journals “The ICNDT Journal - Volume 7 Issue No. 7”. 2007 June. The International Committee for Non-Destructive Testing. https://www.icndt.org/ICNDT7.pdf, pp.1-12, p.1 (accessed 2024-8-16)
  • ⁽¹²⁾ICNDT Journals “The ICNDT Journal - Volume 7 Issue No. 8”. September 2007. The International Committee for Non-Destructive Testing. https://www.icndt.org/ICND-%20v7-Issue%208.pdf, pp.1-12, p.1 (accessed 2024-8-16)
  • ⁽¹³⁾ICNDT Journals “The ICNDT Journal - Volume 7 Issue No. 9”. 2008 March. The International Committee for Non-Destructive Testing. https://www.icndt.org/ICNDT9.pdf, pp.1-12, p.1 (accessed 2024-8-16)
  • ⁽¹⁴⁾ICNDT Journals “The ICNDT Journal - Volume 7 Issue No. 10”. 2008 June. The International Committee for Non-Destructive Testing. https://www.icndt.org/ICNDT10-June2008.pdf, pp.1-12, p.1 (accessed 2024-8-16)
  • ⁽¹⁵⁾ICNDT Journals “The ICNDT Journal - Volume 7 Issue No. 11”. 2008 October. The International Committee for Non-Destructive Testing. https://www.icndt.org/ICNDT11.pdf, pp.1-12, p.1 (accessed 2024-8-16)
  • ⁽¹⁶⁾ICNDT Journals “The ICNDT Journal - Year 1 Issue No. 1”. 1999 January. The International Committee for Non-Destructive Testing. https://www.icndt.org/ICNDT-99-Issue-1.pdf, pp.1-4, p.3 (accessed 2024-8-16)
  • ⁽¹⁷⁾ICNDT Journals “The ICNDT Journal - Year 1 Issue No. 2”. 1999 April. The International Committee for Non-Destructive Testing. https://www.icndt.org/ICNDT-99-Issue-2.pdf, pp.1-4, p.4 (accessed 2024-8-16)
  • ⁽¹⁸⁾ICNDT Journals “The ICNDT Journal - Year 1 Issue No. 3”. 1999 July. The International Committee for Non-Destructive Testing. https://www.icndt.org/ICNDT-99-Issue-3.pdf, pp.1-4, p.4 (accessed 2024-8-16)
  • ⁽¹⁹⁾ICNDT Journals “The ICNDT Journal - Year 1 Issue No. 4”. 1999 November. The International Committee for Non-Destructive Testing. https://www.icndt.org/ICNDT-99-Issue-4.pdf, pp.1-4, p.1 (accessed 2024-8-16)
  • ⁽²⁰⁾ICNDT Journals “The ICNDT Journal - Year 2 Issue No. 3”. 2000 September. The International Committee for Non-Destructive Testing. https://www.icndt.org/ICNDT-00-Issue-3.pdf, pp.1-8, p.3 (accessed 2024-8-16)
  • ⁽²¹⁾ICNDT Journals “The ICNDT Journal - Year 3 Issue No. 4”. 2001 February. The International Committee for Non-Destructive Testing. https://www.icndt.org/ICNDT-00-Issue-4.pdf, pp.1-8, p.1 (accessed 2024-8-16)
  • ⁽²²⁾ICNDT Journals “The ICNDT Journal - Year 4 Issue No. 1”. 2002 January. The International Committee for Non-Destructive Testing. https://www.icndt.org/ICNDT-02-Issue-1.pdf, pp.1-12, p.1 (accessed 2024-8-16)
  • ⁽²³⁾ICNDT Journals “The ICNDT Journal - Year 5 Issue No. 2”. 2003 October. The International Committee for Non-Destructive Testing. https://www.icndt.org/ICNDT-03-Issue-2.pdf, pp.1-8, p.2 (accessed 2024-8-16)
  • ⁽²⁴⁾ICNDT Journals “The ICNDT Journal - Year 6 Issue No. 1”. 2004 May. The International Committee for Non-Destructive Testing. https://www.icndt.org/ICNDT-04-Issue-1.pdf, pp.1-8, p.4 (accessed 2024-8-16)
  • ⁽²⁵⁾ICNDT Journals “The ICNDT Journal - Year 6 Issue No. 2”. 2004 September. The International Committee for Non-Destructive Testing. https://www.icndt.org/ICNDT-04-Issue-2.pdf, pp.1-8, p.1 (accessed 2024-8-16)
  • ⁽²⁶⁾ICNDT Journals “The ICNDT Journal - Year 1 Issue No. 1”. 1999 January. The International Committee for Non-Destructive Testing. https://www.icndt.org/ICNDT-99-Issue-1.pdf, pp.1-4, p.1 (accessed 2024-8-16)
  • ⁽²⁷⁾ICNDT Meetings and General Assemblies “ICNDT 9th Meeting Minutes Poland 1973”. 1973-6-3. The International Committee for Non-Destructive Testing. https://www.icndt.org/9thMeeting.pdf, pp.40-43, p.41 (accessed 2024-8-16)
  • ⁽²⁸⁾ICNDT Meetings and General Assemblies “ICNDT 10th Meeting Minutes Poland 1973”. 1973-6-7. The International Committee for Non-Destructive Testing. https://www.icndt.org/10thMeeting.pdf, pp.44-49, p.48 (accessed 2024-8-16)
  • ⁽²⁹⁾ICNDT Meetings and General Assemblies “ICNDT 22nd Meeting Minutes Brazil 1992”. 1992-10-22. The International Committee for Non-Destructive Testing. https://www.icndt.org/ICNDT22Meeting.pdf, p.4 (accessed 2024-8-16)
  • ⁽³⁰⁾ICNDT Meetings and General Assemblies “ICNDT 23rd Meeting Minutes India 1996”. 1996-12-8. The International Committee for Non-Destructive Testing. https://www.icndt.org/ICNDT23thMeeting.pdf, pp.1-9, p.1 (accessed 2024-8-16)
  • ⁽³¹⁾ICNDT Meetings and General Assemblies “ICNDT 24th Meeting Minutes India 1996”. 1996-12-12. The International Committee for Non-Destructive Testing. https://www.icndt.org/ICNDT24thMeeting.pdf, pp.1-16, p.1 (accessed 2024-8-16)
  • ⁽³²⁾ICNDT Meetings and General Assemblies “ICNDT 19th Meeting Minutes Netherlands 1989”. 1989-4-23. The International Committee for Non-Destructive Testing. https://www.icndt.org/19thMeeting.pdf, pp.101-106, p.101 (accessed 2024-8-16)
  • ⁽³³⁾ICNDT Meetings and General Assemblies “ICNDT 20th Meeting Minutes Netherlands 1989”. 1989-4-27. The International Committee for Non-Destructive Testing. https://www.icndt.org/20thMeeting.pdf, pp.107-126, p.107 (accessed 2024-8-16)
  • ⁽³⁴⁾ICNDT Meetings and General Assemblies “ICNDT 17th Meeting Minutes United States 1985”. 1985-11-3. The International Committee for Non-Destructive Testing. https://www.icndt.org/17thMeeting.pdf, pp.89-94, p.92 (accessed 2024-8-16)
  • ⁽³⁵⁾ICNDT Meetings and General Assemblies “ICNDT 18th Meeting Minutes United States 1985”. 1985-11-7. The International Committee for Non-Destructive Testing. https://www.icndt.org/18thMeeting.pdf, pp.95-100, p.95 (accessed 2024-8-16)
  • ⁽³⁶⁾ICNDT Meetings and General Assemblies “ICNDT 15th Meeting Minutes Russia 1982”. 1982-8-22. The International Committee for Non-Destructive Testing. https://www.icndt.org/15thMeeting.pdf, pp.77-82, p.77 (accessed 2024-8-16)
  • ⁽³⁷⁾ICNDT Meetings and General Assemblies “ICNDT 16th Meeting Minutes Russia 1982”. 1982-8-26. The International Committee for Non-Destructive Testing. https://www.icndt.org/16thMeeting.pdf, pp.83-88, p.83 (accessed 2024-8-16)
  • ⁽³⁸⁾ICNDT Meetings and General Assemblies “ICNDT 13th Meeting Minutes Australia 1979”. 1979-11-18. The International Committee for Non-Destructive Testing. https://www.icndt.org/13thMeeting.pdf, pp.65-71, p.65 (accessed 2024-8-16)
  • ⁽³⁹⁾ICNDT Meetings and General Assemblies “ICNDT 14th Meeting Minutes Australia 1979”. 1979-11-22. The International Committee for Non-Destructive Testing. https://www.icndt.org/14thMeeting.pdf, pp.72-76, p.72 (accessed 2024-8-16)
  • ⁽⁴⁰⁾ICNDT Meetings and General Assemblies “ICNDT 12th Meeting Minutes France 1976”. 1976-9-10. The International Committee for Non-Destructive Testing. https://www.icndt.org/12thMeeting.pdf, pp.56-64, p.56 (accessed 2024-8-16)
  • ⁽⁴¹⁾ICNDT Meetings and General Assemblies “ICNDT 9th Meeting Minutes Poland 1973”. 1973-6-3. The International Committee for Non-Destructive Testing. https://www.icndt.org/9thMeeting.pdf, pp.40-43, p.41 (accessed 2024-8-16)
  • ⁽⁴²⁾ICNDT Meetings and General Assemblies “ICNDT 10th Meeting Minutes Poland 1973”. 1973-6-7. The International Committee for Non-Destructive Testing. https://www.icndt.org/10thMeeting.pdf, pp.44-49, p.44 (accessed 2024-8-16)
  • ⁽⁴³⁾ICNDT Meetings and General Assemblies “ICNDT 7th Meeting Minutes Germany 1970”. 1970-5-31. The International Committee for Non-Destructive Testing. https://www.icndt.org/7thMeeting.pdf, pp.34-36, p.34 (accessed 2024-8-16)
  • ⁽⁴⁴⁾ICNDT Meetings and General Assemblies. “ICNDT 8th Meeting Minutes Germany 1970”. 1970-6-4. The International Committee for Non-Destructive Testing. https://www.icndt.org/8thMeeting.pdf, pp.37-39, p.37 (accessed 2024-8-16)
  • ⁽⁴⁵⁾ICNDT Meetings and General Assemblies. “ICNDT 5th Meeting Minutes Canada 1967”. 1967-5-21. The International Committee for Non-Destructive Testing. https://www.icndt.org/5thMeeting.pdf, pp.25-28, p.25 (accessed 2024-8-16)
  • ⁽⁴⁶⁾ICNDT Meetings and General Assemblies. “ICNDT 6th Meeting Minutes Canada 1967”. 1967-5-25. The International Committee for Non-Destructive Testing. https://www.icndt.org/6thMeeting.pdf, pp.29-33, p.29 (accessed 2024-8-16)
  • ⁽⁴⁷⁾ICNDT Meetings and General Assemblies. “ICNDT 4th Meeting Minutes Great Britain 1963”. 1963-9-13. The International Committee for Non-Destructive Testing. https://www.icndt.org/4thMeeting.pdf, pp.22-24, p.22 (accessed 2024-8-16)
  • ⁽⁴⁸⁾World Conference on Non-Destructive Testing. The International Committee for Non-Destructive Testing. https://www.icndt.org/WCNDT-ICNDT-Award/WCNDT, (accessed 2024-8-16)
  • ⁽⁴⁹⁾ICNDT Meetings and General Assemblies. “ICNDT 1st Meeting Minutes Japan 1960”. 1960-3-15. The International Committee for Non-Destructive Testing. https://www.icndt.org/1stMeeting.pdf, pp.1-7, p.1 (accessed 2024-8-16)
  • ⁽⁵⁰⁾ICNDT Meetings and General Assemblies. “ICNDT 2nd Meeting Minutes Japan 1960”. 1960-3-19. The International Committee for Non-Destructive Testing. https://www.icndt.org/2ndMeeting.pdf, pp.8-12, p.8 (accessed 2024-8-16)